We invite our guests to visit this part of Bulgaria in order to be aware with traditional Bulgarian crafts.
Our guests can be in touch with these unique activities of the Bulgarians and even to try to make their own souvenirs.
Coppersmith is an ancient craft tradition from the times of the Thracians, who were famous masters of copper. Copper utensils and ornaments preserved today arouse admiration for its rich decoration and graceful forms.
Wood Carving (Fretwork) – To achieve harmonious beauty on the tree takes a lot of love, infinite patience, to cut hundreds tittle and features and true eye could combine into stylized shapes to turn in that ethereal, as if untouched by human hand beauty tangle that caress the eye as a nice maiden face.
The famous Tryavna School is distinctive, foreign influences in it are few and they are so creative recreated that is not noticeable. Works of Tryavna masters can be found in hundreds of towns and villages in Bulgaria.
Its heyday, however, Tryavna masters reached in church decoration - iconostasis, altar doors, stalls, pulpits. Here are present and deep relief and beautiful openwork carving.
Icon – painting (iconography)
Tryavna Icon Painting School is the oldest amongst the others. It occurs nearly 100 years before the other - at the end of the XVII century. Founder of the Tryavna art school is Vitan Karchov, whose family is from Tryavna. He was the first master of the family and worked in the first half of the 17th century. Karchov educate the children who inherit his work. Mastery of the Tryavna School is transmitted through generations, some of the last representatives of prominent woodcarvers. Vitan family is among the oldest and most famous Bulgarian families of carvers and painters.
Woolen braiding
This is to produce piping - knitted woolen cord, which adorn traditional clothes aba (thick woolen material). As accompany homespun craft and tailoring. Originally braids by hand - women spin wool and weave them. Later used pulley, mechanized production and the woolen braiders used ready yarn. Strong development occurs during the Renaissance, especially in the nineteenth century. After the liberation of Bulgarian braids still are in demand on the Turkish market and this continues until the First World War.
Pottery is still one of the traditional crafts of this region. Tryavna pottery masters were known in distant places. Pottery is a miracle made of clay, ancient craft whose origins are lost deep in the past. Fine art that combining different styles and eras. It is transmitted from generation to generation, from family to family until today.